SIMeye - the best mobile phones web site

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Two heatpipe systems on the one board! From a purely pants-spanking perspective, the ASUS P5N32-SLI Deluxe oozes sex appeal in that particularly geek-festooned fashion. With a heatpipe cooling system, dual-Gigabit Ethernet, eight-phase power filtering, dual-core CPU support, and NVIDIA's new nForce 4 SLI x16 chipset there's no way this baby won't get the blood flowing to your nether region, unless you happen to be dead or de-sexed. Regardless, it's certainly an impressive lineup of the latest features on the market. Did we mention it has two heatpipe coolers?

About friend

Who got Mobile phone here and have bought 2 China Mobile sim with 50 rmb and one with 100 rmb. Why? I am trying to send SMS back home (Australia) and to friends in Turkey. Nobody seems to be getting these SMS but according to my phone they are being sent. Where do they go and why are they not reaching home. Apparently China Mobile does SMS to approx 60 countries!!! What is the trick?